(Information and pictures provided by Debbie Levins, Secretary to the Library Director)
On Monday, April 8th at 6:30p.m., the public was invited to learn information and ask questions about the Proposed 2024-25 Library Budget.
Library Director Beth Paine and the Board of Trustees who were present were introduced. They included President Jessica Ecock Rotondo, Norm Argulsky, Kristi Evans, Catrina “Cat” Lasher, Richard Beatty, and Becky Lefevre. Vice President Leslie Moma was unable to attend.

Library Director Beth Paine presented the proposed budget and answered questions. Our Fiscal Year is July 2024 – June 2025. The library is asking for a 1% increase.
Please refer to the newsletter below for specific information on the budget, the tax levy and the Proposition for a tax increase that will be on the ballot for the May 2, 2024, Library vote which is also a trustee election.
There are three candidates running for the two trustee seats with 3-year terms that begin July 1, 2024 through June 2027.
Current Board President Jessica Ecock Rotondo and longtime Board Member (10 years) Norm Argulsky are not running for re-election. Information on each candidate as well as voting requirements are also in that newsletter.

The public that attends the library public budget hearing are always allowed to sign up to speak (Photo- Speaker Cheryl Kowalik)

Speaker/Candidate Felipe Oltramari, Speaker/Candidate John Roach
Two of the three candidates running decided to attend the budget meeting and use that opportunity to sign up for a slot to introduce themselves and express their support and interest in the Library.
All of the speakers expressed support for the library and praised the programs and dedicated staff.

Legislator Deleo gave special recognition to Library Assistant Kelly March for her months of hard work in preparation for the Library’s Total Eclipse Party which happened to be earlier on Tuesday.
Speaker/Candidate Felipe Oltramari, Speaker/Candidate John Roach, Speaker County Legislator John Deleo, and Speaker Cheryl Kowalik.

The two outgoing trustees that are not running for re-election at the May 2nd budget vote & trustee election are current President Jessica Ecock Rotondo, and Longtime Trustee Norm Argulsky.

Credit for the information on and compilation of the last page, “2023 in review” goes to Community and Adult Services Librarian Samantha Basile.