Category: Uncategorized
GENESEE COUNTY/Down Syndrome Parent Support group continuing the dance

A Summer Dance celebration for those with disabilities rocked the floor at the ARC Genesee/Orleans Community Center on Woodrow road in Batavia on Thursday night. This is the second dance of the year held by the Down Syndrome Parent Support Group of Genesee County which encompasses the GLOW region. The …
STAFFORD/Pontillo property in Stafford not up to code, Town says it cannot be occupied
Genesee County/Couple makes it a family affair at new diner in the Village of Corfu
GENESEE COUNTY/Deputy with new calling in life retires after 25 years of service

(Pictured left to right Undersheriff Greg Walker, Deputy Brian Thompson and Sheriff Bill Sheron) “I believe God is calling me to reach people in the community before handcuffs,” says Deputy Brian Thompson during his retirement get together at the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office Wednesday afternoon. Thompson says watching so many …
BATAVIA/Genesee Amateur Radio trains for disaster preparedness and competes in yearly event

Genesee Amateur Radio is competing this weekend with other HAM radio operators from Canada and New York at the Genesee County Fairgrounds. David Carlson, President, has been doing this for over 35 years, says that this is part public relations and part disaster preparedness. “The whole purpose is to prepare …
BATAVIA/ Wood street man accused of viewing child porn on a public computer
Robert R. Richmond, 53, of Wood St., Batavia, is charged with possessing an obscene performance by a child less than 16 and possessing a sexual performance by a child less than 16 after an investigation where he was allegedly using a publicly accessible computer to view child pornography. The incident …
GENESEE COUNTY SHERIFF’S REPORT/Oakfield man accused of using walking cane to smuggle cigarettes into the jail
Roy D. Hooten, 56, of S. Main St., Oakfield, is charged with promoting prison contraband after he entered the jail with a walking cane that allegedly contained 10 cigarettes on May 16, 2017. Hooten was in the process of being committed to the jail when the cigarettes were discovered. He …
Batavia High School students recognized at Kiwanis luncheon

Senior Serena Strollo-DiCenso received the Citizenship Award which is presented to a Senior student for outstanding and unselfish citizenship. Strollo-DiCenso was also presented with a check for $500. Serena Strollo-DiCenso is the daughter of past Kiwanian and Kiwanian of the year Anita Strollo and Joseph DiCenso. Strollo-DiCenso has logged hundreds …
GENESEE COUNTY SHERIFF’S REPORT/Batavia woman charged in burglary incident
Ann M. Capuano, 32, of Montclair Ave., Batavia, is charged with burglary 3rd, menacing 3rd, criminal trespass 3rd, possession of burglar tools and criminal mischief 4th after a reported burglary at Scalia’s Landscape at 8106 State Street road on April 8, 2017 at 8:00a.m. While deputies were in route to …