WNY/State Police release information on “Deer Collision Season”

PRESS RELEASE Every October and November, Troopers handle an increased number of vehicles collisions striking deer in Troop A- Western New York.  Operators should use caution around dusk and dawn.  If you are operating a vehicle and a deer enters the roadway do NOT swerve.  When an operator swerves to …

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WNY/Hawley tours local farms listening to farmers after the passage of the Farm Labor Bill that threatens operations in NYS

Assemblyman Steve Hawley toured farms in Genesee, Orleans and Monroe Counties today to listen to worried farmers. After passage of the Farm Labor Bill in NYS in July, farmers are concerned about losing their workers who come to the area on the H2A Program. The program permits farmers to employ …

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WNY/Notre Dame student helping to raise funds for Autism trail at Letchworth State Park

Notre Dame Senior Faith Falkowski is helping to organize a fundraising event that will raise money for a planned Autism Trail at Letchworth State Park in Wyoming County. An indoor Cornhole Tournament is scheduled for March 23, 2019 from 4-6p.m. at the Notre Dame High School Gym at 73 Union …

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WNY/The fall Basic Exterior Firefighter Operations program wraps up in Genesee County

(submitted photo and information) A fall Basic Exterior Firefighter Operations (BEFO) program was held at the Genesee County Fire Training Center. The 79-hour program began in August and concluded on November 6, 2018. Twenty-four (24) students completed the 79 hour program from nine (9) county departments and three (3) neighboring …

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