Arcade Paul Koerber– Waived Indictment on Aggravated DWI with a Child(E Felony), DWAI combined drug/alcohol, Operatinga Motor Vehicle Impaired by Drugs, Driving WhileIntoxicated, DWAI -Alcohol, Aggravated UnlicensedOperation of a Motor Vehicle in the Third Degree(Misdemeanors), Speeding, Motor Vehicle License(violations); pleaded guilty to Operating a Motor VehicleImpaired by Drugs and sentenced …

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GENESEE & ORLEANS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT/National Immunization Awareness Month 2020

Press release August is recognized as National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM). Today’s vaccines protect against serious and potentially life-threatening diseases such as polio, pneumonia, and cancers caused by HPV. Because of advances in medical science, your children and family can be protected against more diseases than ever before. As schools …

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GENESEE ORLEANS/Health Dept./COVID-19 Update/No new positive cases in Genesee or Orleans

New Cases – As of 2:00 p.m./August 26, 2020 o Genesee County received 0 new positive cases of COVID-19 maintaining a total of 276 positive cases § 11 new individuals are on precautionary quarantine due to travel from restricted states. § 1 of the positive individuals is hospitalized. o Orleans …

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