BATAVIA/Water to be shut off to replace broken valve in Ellicott/Harvester/Clifton/Colorado area

Press release October 17, 2022 The City of Batavia Water Department along with Zoladz Construction will be replacing a broken water valve on Harvester Avenue and fire hydrant on the corner of Harvester Avenue and Ellicott Street.  The water will be shut down on Harvester Avenue from Colorado Avenue to …

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BATAVIA/Tourt retires, Scott Allen promoted to Superintendent of the Bureau of Maintenance

Press release BATAVIA, NEW YORK- Today we congratulate Ray Tourt, Superintendent of Maintenance, for his leadership and dedication to the City of Batavia, the Department of Public Works, and the Bureau of Maintenance.  Ray has served the City of Batavia since 1999, and last week announced his retirement.  Tourt served …

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BATAVIA/City requesting proposals from qualified agencies to provide Afterschool Programming/Youth Services/Summer Recreation for the 2021-22 fiscal year

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The City of Batavia is requesting proposals from qualified agencies to provide Afterschool Programming/Youth Services and Summer Recreation Program for eligible youth from the city of Batavia for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. To be considered, the City must receive the proposal in the City Manager’sOffice by close …

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