GENESEE COUNTY/Corfu family fighting to give their newborn baby a chance to live

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Three week old Maylynn Reddy is a fighter.

At 36 weeks pregnant, Jessica Reddy and her husband Justin found out that baby Maylynn had fluid in her brain and holoprosencephaly, a disorder where the forebrain of the embryo fails to develop into two hemispheres, this can cause defects in the development of the face and in the brain structure and function. As a result, Maylynn also has a cleft lip and pallet, however they did not know the severity until she was born.

Doctors told Jessica and Justin that Maylynn would not make it to birth, but she made it and is a fighter according to Jessica.

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Maylynn Joanne Reddy came into the world on June 20, 2018.

She has been in the NICU at Strong Hospital since that day.

Jessica says that currently she cannot control her temperature or her pituitary gland so she is on eight different hormone replacement medications plus two seizure medications as she has about 10-20 seizures per hour, but she is breathing on her own. Maylynn is getting nourishment through a tube that goes through her mouth down her throat.

Doctors have told the Reddys that the life expectancy of someone with this diagnosis is anywhere from birth to 1 year of age.

Jessica says doctors are hoping to perform surgery this week to install a G-tube, that will be inserted through the abdomen, it will deliver nutrition directly to the stomach. Jessica will also be able to give her medication through the tube.

“Right now she is on a constant feed so we have to take her feeding pump everywhere,” says Jessica.

“It’s the only way to keep her sugar and electrolytes stable. The G-tube is the right direction towards going home.”

The Reddy Family hopes to come home together towards the end of summer.

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Currently, Jessica stays with Maylynn every night at Strong Hospital. Justin and the couple’s two daughters Maycee, 5, and Madalynn, 4, are staying at the Ronald McDonald House nearby.

“The girls are so proud of their sister,” says Jessica.

“Our kids are our world and we hold each other together.”

As she grows, Maylynn will need many surgeries and the family has started a GoFundMe page to help with medical expenses.

Jessica says the couple’s employers have been very understanding.. Jessica is out on maternity leave and works in Lockport at a local bank. Justin works in Akron and is able to take off time from work through the family and medical leave act.

“We are struggling already, says Jessica.  “I’m not asking for much and even if you can’t donate still pray for Maylynn and watch her progress. She shows us every day how special she is and what she’s capable of.”







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