(Information & photos submitted by Laurie Ferrando)
It is a family tradition that spans three generations for a Genesee County family. It was started by Jeanne Ferrando in the 1960’s
“Our mom is a great cook. She always has been. Some of her meals became family traditions. One of the most memorable was the annual Heart-Shaped Meatloaf on Valentine’s Day. I don’t know if my four sisters and I even liked meatloaf, but I know we loved that one,” says daughter Laurie Ferrando.

“Our mom shaped a big chunk of ground beef into a heart, baked it, frosted it with potatoes and ketchup and served it for dinner. We looked forward to that tradition and as far as we knew, it was something only we experienced,” says daughter Laurie Ferrando.
Over the past 20 years the tradition has now become a competition between Laurie and her four siblings and their children.
“It didn’t take long for each of us to make our own Valentine’s Day meatloaves to share with our families but somehow over the years my mother’s five daughters took that fun family tradition and morphed it into a crazy competition with very strict rules, must be primarily made of meatloaf (at least partly in the shape of a heart), mashed potatoes and ketchup. Other edible foods can be used for accents.”

Things started with very easy designed meatloaves above.
In the beginning, Laurie says the meatloaf designs were simple. Recently, it has become quite the art form. Jeanne, who is now 80, spending part of her time in Florida, has now turned to judging the Valentine’s Day Meatloaf event. She picks her favorite one each year.

Now, Laurie says the edible works of art take anywhere from 3-7 hours to make and about 1 hour of cooking time. Sometimes the process starts the day before.
Recently, the competition has picked up and yes that is a family tree with parsley leaves.

“Back when we were kids, cell phones didn’t exist nor did taking pictures of everything, so we are left with only our memories of those dinners, says Laurie. Thanks, mom, for giving us the best memories reminding us of your love on the very day love is meant to be celebrated.”

1st photo:
Jeanne Ferrando (our mom) circa mid-60’s
2nd photo:
Bottom row left to right: Jeanne Ferrando, Gracie Mazzullo, Sally Pfaff
Top row: Lisa Ferrando, Laurie Ferrando, Kaleen Burns
Circa 2014
3rd photo:
Bottom row left to right: Kaleen Burns, Sally Pfaff, Laurie Ferrando
Top row: Jeanne Ferrando, Lisa Ferrando, Gracie Mazzullo
Circa 1971/72
4th photo:
Bottom row: John Burns, CJ Thornley
Next row up: Frank Ferrando, Jeanne Ferrando, Gwen Burns
Middle (alone): Kacie Ferrando
Top row: Frank Luplow, Sydney Moag, Bailey Moag, Shion Burns