GENESEE COUNTY/Republican challenger to Senator Charles Schumer visits LeRoy on Friday, receives Conservative Party endorsement

Left to right-Genesee County Conservative Party Chairperson, Julie Carasone, U.S. Senate Candidate Joe Pininon, and LeRoy Republican Party Chairperson Coryann Feeley

Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in New York, Joe Pinion, stopped by Capish Brick Oven Pizza and Ristorante in LeRoy on Friday afternoon for a meet and greet with Genesee County Conservatives after their endorsement of the 38-year-old candidate from Yonkers, NY.

At the 2022 New York State Republican Convention in February, Pinion was chosen as the New York State Republican Party’s preferred candidate for U.S. Senate. The Republican Primary election is June 28, 2022, and the General Election is November 8, 2022.

On January 9, 2022, Pinion resigned from his job as the host of The Saturday Agenda on Newsmax. He kicked off his campaign on January 17th. Pinion will be running against Senator Charles Schumer who is running for a fifth term. If re-elected, Schumer would become the longest-serving U.S. senator in New York state history.

Pinion previously was a candidate in NYS Assembly District 90, losing to Nader Sayegh in 2018. He is the Founder and Chair of The Conservative Color Coalition, which is devoted to promoting conservative engagement among racial, religious minority groups.

Previous to hosting the show on Newsmax, he served as director of youth development at the Morris Height Health Center located in the Bronx. Pinion helped integrate health services with community engagement and created a bridge grant program that provided gap funding for children within one of the poorest districts in the Bronx. The program improved college accessibility for students in the community.

Pinion was primarily raised by his mother and grandmother and was a standout student at Horace Mann High School. He went on to play football at Colgate University and was a two-year varsity letter winner and played in the National Championship game in 2003.

Pinion says his grandmother’s passing at 100 years old is a part of what motivated him to run for U.S. Senate.

“Like so many families, we lost my grandmother in the middle of COVID in March of 2021,” says Pinion.

“She lived a very long time, we didn’t get to be with her, and we were locked out like so many other families, and when she left this earth, we didn’t get to take those last moments to be with her. My government made a liar of me, I promised that woman that I would be there for her no matter what and we didn’t get to be there and so many families feel as if their government failed them. When we start having inhumane laws out of the interest of survival that’s not any way to live in society. These are the things that get lost in campaigns.”

Pinion says he has witnessed government get in the way of opportunities for Americans and hopes to make government a force for good .

“It can become an impediment to the opportunity that people deserve and, in many ways, keeps people trapped in towers of despair because they have been given exactly what they need to stay exactly where they are but not enough to get to the next station in life,” says Pinion.

Pinion believes the problems the country faces did not happen overnight.

“I think first and foremost, we have to stop lying to the people, we have politicians that like to pretend that either (A) they can do things overnight or (B) that the problems we are facing happened overnight and they were powerless to prevent them, neither is true. We have to acknowledge how we got here.”

Pinion says there wasn’t one single moment that made him throw his hat into the ring for U.S. Senate in New York.

“It’s death by a thousand lots over a lifetime of experiences that lead me to look at where we are today, and this is unacceptable. At the end of the day, I’m Joseph Pinion III, my father was born in this country, and I was the first Joseph Pinion born with all of my rights and I stand here today as the first black man nominated for U.S. Senate in the history of New York State.”

Joe Pinion for US Senate – Rebuild the Dream

One Comment:

  1. Must we up state people truly on the mostly corrupt NYC people to represent us? Look at the leader of the squad and Chuck…. The last mayor of NYC…. Left it in shambles. Get wise. Get smart and search for an upstate neighbor who will represent us with honesty and integrity. Good for those interested but more for their own agenda than our humble hometown …….. Maybe red neck citizens,… Or not….. But we’re new yorkers too,.. and as smart as the broad way gang from 42nd Street.
    Ain’t you tired yet of the crazies downstate radical-liberal-Communists burden is with.
    Seek and he shall find? Some one smarter than me shared this question with the universe? So go to work and seek out someone we know will work for us……. No contribution from my wallet until I see an honest effort to find real candidates from here or near here to replace the junk from the city.

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