GENESEE COUNTY/Protesters show up in front of Cornerstone Church as members arrive for Sunday morning sermon

The protest started about 9:30a.m. on Sunday as members of the Cornerstone Church on Bank street in the town of Batavia were arriving for a 10:00a.m. sermon. The church had security on hand and did have to intervene after a woman from the Cornerstone property crossed the road and attempted to a pull a sign down from another woman’s face and take her photo (woman with sign above). A member of the church with a radio responded across the street and collected the woman telling her to not engage with protesters and she was escorted back onto the church property which was roped off with yellow tape. (Photos below) The protest ended about 10:15am.

A group of protesters lined both sides of the road in front of Cornerstone Church on Bank street road in the town of Batavia on Sunday morning.

The protesters expressed their distaste for a group of people that are scheduled to speak at the location next month. The ReAwaken America Tour( ReAwaken America Tour – Wikipedia ) was recently cancelled in Rochester due pressure on the venue operator. The venue operator was pressured by protests from musical acts who canceled their appearances and pressure from the public. It has since relocated to Batavia at the Cornerstone Church. Due to the content talked about during the event, many feel the event should not be held.

Video interview with Jim Burns/organizer

Organizer of the Batavia protest, Jim Burns, says his group was hoping to reach members of the Cornerstone Church as they arrived for their Sunday morning sermon at 10:00a.m.


  1. Reading through all the articles about the opposition to this “Reawaken America” event- I’m not seeing any references or quotes as to what the offensive content and/or “disinformation” is.

    If you’d like us to condemn this event could someone please provide some evidence and examples of what exactly they are promoting? Some of the speakers I see on the list are hardly Nazi material.

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a racist? Really? No, something else is at work trying to stifle this event.

    This is concerning because not only are people trying to halt the free speech of this event they are accusing them of endorsing white supremacy. That is a serious allegation that could lead to some unhinged person taking action against what they believe are evil people.

    Please provide solid evidence when you throw around these serious allegations. So far I’ve seen none.

      • Ever heard of throwing away the baby with the bath water? Why not overlook the bad speakers and listen to what the good speakers have to say? We can interpret information for ourselves we do not need censors.

        If someone there spouts racism then they should be mocked and condemned. I have a strong feeling industry front activists are behind much of the resistance to this event. Some of the speakers make direct challenges to the public health policies that have affected us all. And that includes forced vaccinations and the denial of informed consent. Examples:

        Dr. Judy Mikovits author of Plague of Corruption. Ty Bollinger author of the Truth About Cancer. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. the author of The Real Anthony Fauci. The list goes on.

        The article refers to Kennedy as far right. Why? Because he was part of an event that hosted repugnant speakers? If you’ve ever read any of his books you would find that Kennedy is more to the left. This kind of protest and censorship is more divisive than what it claims to be against.

        I think we can all agree that racism is unacceptable and should be vehemently opposed. Looking at the full list of speakers I’m just not convinced that racism is what is really being railed against here. Again, the safety of the participants and event goers should be the top priority. This strong rhetoric and alignment of speakers with Nazis is going too far in my opinion.

    • Two final points:
      (1) The First Amendment reads: “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech.” Protesting the relocation of this event to our community in no way “tr[ies] to halt the free speech of this event,” and is in fact a valid exercise of our own free speech.

      (2) You are concerned about “some unhinged person taking action against what they believe are evil people.” This is already happening. On May 14 a man murdered customers in a Buffalo grocery store due to his fears of the “great replacement.”

      The speakers at the ReAwken American tour espouse the same talking points that motivated the shooter. For example, Charlie Kirk has stated: “There is an undeniable War on White People in The West.”

      Those of us opposed to this event believe this speech has no place in our community, because every person deserves to feel safe, and to be treated with dignity and respect.

      • I understand your point Greg. But also understand that censoring something lends it legitimacy.

        I see the Buffalo shooter maniac was brainwashed by sites like chan. If you asked me if I was up for censorship I would start there. Also, I don’t think an 8 year old with a cell phone should be able to pull up pornography. These are some things worthy of censorship. Or at least submission of a valid ID. But alas they have gotten none.

        Back to my point regarding public health policy. Gendron was not only a racist but he was also delusional about getting covid. He showed up to school in a full hazmat suit.

        Do you not see the media blaming the African American community and the Jewish community for dangerous vaccine refusal? I can link you to dozens if not hundreds of articles if you like.

        So if you’re going to condemn these speakers as a whole perhaps you should take a long hard look at the division and racism being sowed by corporate owned media and the politicians that they and the pharmaceutical industry support.

    • the protestors are working hard on Silencing your and my first amendment rights all while USING theirs – quite ironic isn’t it? They don’t attend that church or maybe not any church at all – they are fueled with hate (very unchristian like). They are also “silencing” many black voices that will be there, pastors, dr’s believers (i guess we know who the “white supremacists” are?! This is the same group of people who didnt want Mario Murillo here – we have seen nothing but violence since in the cities of Rochester and Buffalo – they are afraid, they are afraid of losing their control over people’s minds, that people may wake up and realize who is dividing this country and the we ALL ARE FREE to choose what we believe! A gathering as this with so many people walking in faith with the LORD is much stronger than the evil coming from the protestors

  2. Here is a succinct overview of some of the speakers’ comments:

  3. Willard g Prevost

    To enjoy the separation of church and state, this church is privy to significant tax breaks. If you want a voice, pay taxes like anyone else. If not, STFU

  4. Keep on Protesting something you dont agree with – I see that the same ole, same ole protestors are out – trying to SILENCE people from speaking – 1st Amendment right – those of you that think a Church shouldnt be involved in any poitics have it wrong – but keep on having your ministers in the city of rochester rally around the criminals with their daily killings and then do the same thing over and over again. The bible is filled with politics read it sometime – and a message for the “daily news” when you link Wikipedia up as a “source” you are definately siding with BIG TECH and their bias – making you an uncredible source of information. I pledge allegience to the Flag of the United States of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, One Nation, under GOD, indivisible with liberty and justice for all!!!!

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