GENESEE COUNTY/Pembroke/Dollars for Scholars receives a $300,000 donation that will double financial awards to graduating students

Dr. Arthur Murczek and Dr. Paul Mroz with graduating senior scholarship winners. The Pembroke Class of 2023 will graduate 60 students this year.

(Provided information)

The Corfu-Pembroke Dollars for Scholars announced the receipt of a $300,000 donation (Vernon J. Rupert Memorial Endowment Scholarship) to support scholarships for graduating Pembroke students. 

Currently, the Corfu-Pembroke Dollars for Scholars (DFS) awards 24 scholarships to scholars annually. The addition of this new gift will allow the group to more than double the financial awards to graduating students.  These new funds will be used to create and support five-$5,000 annual awards for students pursuing trade school careers, 2-year associate degrees, and 4-year college or university studies.

In the last 14 years, the Corfu-Pembroke DFS chapter has awarded 186 scholars over $145,000 for college study. This year DFS is awarding $19,300 to graduating Pembroke seniors.

“The Corfu-Pembroke Community and your DFS chapter recognize not only the efforts of these students but also applaud the efforts of Pembroke teachers, administrators and support personnel involved in the years of preparation to achieve these results. Indeed, all the support, encouragement and occasional necessary cajoling of caring parents must also be recognized. It is evident that many in our community value education. These student achievements represent the best of what our schools provide for our community,” stated Dr. Paul J. Mroz, DFS Financial Committee Chairman

Each award winner was also presented with a lawn sign to recognize their successes and award-winning academic achievements.

Video of Awards Ceremony June 8, 2023


Name Scholarship Name $ Award

Carly Cerasani Mruczek Family Scholarship $ 1,250.00

Corfu-Pembroke DFS Board Award $ 250.00

Molly Chittenden Chmielewski DFS Award $ 1,000.00

Wood Legal Scholarship $ 250.00

Nathanael Duttweiler Alyson Diane Krzanak $ 500.00

Michael Fernaays Nichols Family Scholarship $ 500.00

Kern Trade Scholarship $ 1,000.00

Leah Filter Corfu-Pembroke Alumni Assn. $ 1,000.00

Victoria Franks Buyers Memorial Scholarship $ 4,000.00

Amelia Geck Chmielewski DFS Award $ 1,000.00

Kelsie Milks Art Scholarship $ 500.00

Emma Groff Pembroke Hall of Fame Scholarship $ 1,000.00

Harry Dibble Memorial Scholarship $ 500.00

Arianna Hale Chmielewski DFS Award $ 1,000.00

Lamb Medical Scholarship $. 250.00

Sienna Korytkowski Mark Miano Scholarship $ 500.00

Cayden Pfalzer Knight Brothers Eric Tiede Scholarship $ 1,500.00

Kayla Reynolds PHS Class of ’65 Scholarship $. 500.00

PHS Alumni Association Scholarship $. 1,000.00

ButterCrumbs Bakery Recognition Award $. 200.00

Emma Sanders Lamb Agriculture Award $ 250.00

PHS Class of ’72 $ 100.00

Rylee Seelau Cathie-Wild VFW Post 9000 Scholarship $. 1,000.00

Corfu-Pembroke DFS Award $. 250.00

(Provided information)


Anne loved children and was a teacher in the Pembroke Central School District for 38 years from the 1950’s to June of 1992. She first taught the elementary grades for 17 years in East Pembroke and then moved into the Jr./Sr. high school for 21 years. After retirement, Anne and her husband Vernon G. Rupert were avid campers travelling to many places. She enjoyed gardening and was a skilled quilter. She and husband devoted a significant time to volunteering for the Genesee County Office for the Aging Tax Program. Anne was predeceased by her husband and was 90 years of age.

The Vernon J. Rupert Memorial Scholarship & Endowment was established by Anne & Vernon G. Rupert to memorialize their only son who passed away before graduating from the Pembroke Central Schools. Anne was touched deeply by the passing of her son and had a heart for children who worked hard and strived for academic success. She wanted to help students like her son who worked hard but found success difficult to achieve. These circumstances led to the establishment of the Vernon J. Rupert Memorial Scholarship which she designed for those average students who had dreams of higher education but where just not sure if they could become successful in a college setting. She adored students who worked hard and wanted to tangibly reward their striving and efforts to succeed academically. These students often go unrewarded when academic awards are presented. Realizing the dilemma, they faced she targeted students who finished in the middle of the class ranking for scholarships. In doing so, she rewarded not only ability but the student’s work ethic which is so important for success.

In short, she targeted scholarships for applicants who fall into the lower 90% of student achievement. Therefore, the award named in honor of her son will provide for up to 5 scholars per year, a scholarship of up to a maximum of $5,000 for post high school studies. This includes studies for accredited certification programs, trade school studies, 2-year degree programs, and the traditional 4-year university education.

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