Day: August 1, 2023
GENESEE COUNTY/Boston Rocks at Batavia with NYSS win

On 7/24/2023, Bleyke Z. Culver, 27, of Batavia, NY, was arrested on an arrest warrant for Burglary 2nd degree and Criminal Contempt 2nd degree. It’s alleged that on 6/23/2023, Culver violated an order of protection, by entering the residence, of the protected party. An arrest warrant was issued on 7/7/2023. …
ORLEANS/Schumer announces major push to upend the flow of Fentanyl into the U.S., WNY and the Finger Lakes Region

Following several recent major fentanyl busts in Orleans County, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer will launch a major new push to upend the flow of fentanyl in Orleans, Western NY, and the Finger Lakes-Rochester area. Schumer detailed the new bipartisan legislation he included in the Senate-passed National Defense Authorization …
BATAVIA/Lockport man charged after pursuit and standoff on Sunday
GENESEE COUNTY/$9 Million Community Solar Project to be considered at GCEDC Board Meeting
Solar projects have proposed investments generating over $127.4 million in municipal revenues since 2019 Press release BATAVIA, NY – The Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC) board of directors will consider an initial resolution for Oak Orchard Solar 3 LLC’s community solar farm project in the town of Batavia. The …