WYOMING COUNTY/Woman suffers injuries after being accidentally run over by a disabled vehicle that was being towed

Press release The Wyoming County Sheriff’s Office is investigating an injury accident which occurred thismorning on East Arcade Road in the Town of Arcade. Multiple agencies responded to the report of a female who had been run over by a vehicle. Uponarrival, it was determined a disabled vehicle being towed …

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WYOMING COUNTY/Arrests made during crimes in progress detail along Rt. 20A

On March 15, 2024, the Wyoming County Sheriff’s Office conducted a detail along Route20A throughout Wyoming County with the purpose of identifying and apprehending crimes inprogress. Funding for the detail was secured through the United States Department of HomelandSecurity, the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s [FEMA] Operation Stonegarden GrantProgram [OPSG], and …

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