ORLEANS COUNTY/Medina/ Art ‘PlayGround’ at old high school draws a large crowd

Story and photos by James Sinner

Art enthusiasts from around WNY flocked to the old high school on Catherine street in Medina on Saturday for the 2nd annual art “PlayGround” installation.

The three day event which started with a Friday night preview party, was made possible by the Hungerford family, who involved such organizations as Resource: Art of Western New York, Hallwalls Contemporary Art Center of Buffalo, and the Rochester Contemporary Art Center.

“We’ve gotten the word out a lot better,” says Anna Kaplan, of Anna Kaplan Contemporary/Resource:Art.

“Last year, it was really hard to explain this without there being any pictures or understanding of what it could be. The people who made it last year, and those who saw the pictures on social media, it really created a buzz about this year.”

The space is a unique setup for artist.

The event, which contained 34 listed exhibits, showed off a variety of artistic styles.

Kari Achatz, who presented the installation ‘Betwixt’, created the space using paper Mache, colored beams of light and their casted shadows.

Claire Ashley, whose piece ‘Celestial Boulders (Unseen Organs)’ reached the ceiling of the old gymnasium. “I flew them from Chicago in two suitcases, and then assembled and installed them once I arrived. With their size, I definitely had some overage fees on the plane.”

Mike Hungerford says he enjoys being a part of the event.

“The quality of the interactions that people have with the work, it’s great. Also, the feedback that I get from the community is appreciation for this, that’s the best part,” say Hungerford.

As far as the future of the building, which is potentially slated for apartments on its third floor, Hungerford says the space may be used for both art and apartments.

“With the amount of money that it requires to develop this thing completely into apartments, versus the amount of money it takes to create an artistic and community space, you know, I think there’s a way to do both.”

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