Category: Attica
WYOMING COUNTY/A love of baking is behind the opening of Ralph’s Cafe and Bakery in Attica
WYOMING COUNTY/Attica residents are concerned about a dangerous intersection after a third accident there
(Submitted photo) Neighbors living near the three-way intersection of Clinton Street (Rt.354), West Main Street, and Bunnell Street in Attica are concerned about the safety of the intersection. On Saturday evening about 7:53p.m., a serious one vehicle accident occurred at 91 West Main Street, sending the driver to a local …
WYOMING COUNTY/A dream come true-Returning dance instructor opens her own studio in Attica
Dynamic Dance Studio Owner/Director Haley Tygart(center) with staff, dance teachers Meghan Stella(left), and Shelby Orlowski(right) at their second Open House last Thursday. The trio is gearing up to teach classes beginning the week of September 11th. All students must be registered by October 1st. Link to website: Dynamic Dance Studio …
WYOMING COUNTY/Video/Photos-Attica Lions Club GermanFest
WYOMING COUNTY/First ever “Attica Take Down” draws a large crowd at Veterans Memorial Park on Saturday
WYOMING COUNTY/Attica/Clock dedicated in honor of the Moellers on Saturday
WYOMING/GENESEE/Vintage Cow Farmers Market celebrates 5 years and renovations at their location on Rt. 98
Front left to right-Scott Gardner/Pres/CEO-Wyom. Co. Chamber of Commerce, Katie Carpenter/Co-Owner, Dana Chamberlain/Co-Owner, Brian Cousins/Pres./Gen. Co. Chamber of Commerce, back left to right- Nathan Montford/Mayor/Village of Attica, Eric Szucs/Director of Tourism/Wyom. Co., Norb Fuest/Chair of the Board/Wyom. Co. Chamber of Commerce. Greenhouse, Homemade Ice Cream and Market The Vintage Cow …
WYOMING COUNTY/Attica/Fire at funeral home caused by mulch fire next to the building
(Submitted photos) A fire at Marley Funeral Home at 135 Main Street in Attica late Monday afternoon, was caused by a mulch fire next to the building. The fire caused $125,000 in damages. According to Wyoming County Office of Emergency Services, quick actions by firefighters prevented the business from being …