Category: Ridgeway
ORLEANS COUNTY/Sheriff’s Office investigating a fatal accident in Ridgeway

On December 20th, 2023, at 12:50a.m., the Orleans County Sheriff’s Office investigated a one car motor vehicle crash on State Route 31 in the Town of Ridgeway. A preliminary investigation indicates that the vehicle was traveling eastbound and left the south shoulder of the roadway and then struck a telephone …
NYS Police Report/Ridgeway man charged in traffic stop on Rt. 31

On December 2, 2022, Troopers out of SP Albion arrested Stephen R. Smith, 48, of Ridgeway, NY, charging him with aggravated DWI and other vehicle and traffic infractions. On December 2, 2022, Smith was stopped on Route 31 in the town of Ridgeway for traffic infractions. While interviewing Smith, an …
ORLEANS COUNTY/State appeals court rejects rapist’s appeal
STATE POLICE/Public’s assistance needed in a currency scam in the town of Ridgeway
ORLEANS COUNTY/Motorcycle club sponsors Red Cross blood drive for Ridgeway firefighter

The Crusaders Motorcycle Club sponsored a Red Cross blood drive on Friday afternoon to help replenish the Red Cross blood bank after Ridgeway firefighter Glen Busch used 178 units of blood at Strong Hospital last September during a medical emergency. Busch, 36, was rushed to Strong Hospital after passing out …
ORLEANS COUNTY/Ridgeway man arrested after running from police on Saturday

The Orleans County Sheriff’s Office has charged GERARDO QUIROS, 30, of Ridge Road, Town of Ridgeway, with multiple crimes related to the incident that occurred on Saturday April 29, 2017. Quiros allegedly committed acts of violence against a female acquaintance during a domestic incident where he reportedly would not allow …