GENESEE COUNTY/Sheriff’s Office looking into several “smash and grab” overnight incidents at area convenient stores

The Genesee County Sheriff’s Office is investigating several “smash and grab” overnight incidents at area convenient stores on the east side of the county. There were two incidents Saturday into Sunday this past weekend, according to Chief Deputy Joseph Graff. The Byron Crosby’s Convenient Store at Rt. 262 and Rt.237 …

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GENESEE COUNTY/Sheriff’s Office posts new precautions on walk in traffic

Press release Consistent with precautions that are being initiated throughout the country to combat the spread of the Coronavirus, Genesee County Sheriff William A. Sheron, Jr. is requesting the public’s assistance in limiting walk-in traffic to the Sheriff’s Office located at 165 Park Road, Batavia, New York. Records Division: please …

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BATAVIA/Main Street Pizza owner makes a large donation to help Sheriff’s Office K-9 fund

Main Street Pizza owner Vic Marchese donated $4,000 to the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office K-9 fund to help kick off fundraising efforts to obtain a new K-9 for the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department on Thursday morning. K-9 Destro suddenly passed away last week after a brief battle with cancer. K-9 …

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GENESEE COUNTY SHERIFF’S REPORT/Alabama man charged with forcible touching

Billy Joe Trantham, 78, of Bloomingdale Rd., Alabama, is charged with forcible touching after an investigation into a sex offense that occurred on Bloomingdale road in Alabama on February 16, 2017. Trantham allegedly touched the intimate parts of another person without their consent. Trantham was released on an appearance ticket …

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GENESEE COUNTY SHERIFF’S REPORT/Massachusetts man picked up on warrants

Christopher C. Say, 26, of Goddard St., Webster,MA, was turned over to the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office by the Orleans County Sheriff’s Department for an outstanding bench warrant from March of 2013. Say was charged with criminal mischief 4th, criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation, endangering the welfare of …

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