BATAVIA/City Manager presents State of the City and the budget to council

Batavia City Council meeting, January 13, 2020 State of the City and budget presentation by City Manager Dr. Martin Moore.

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GENESEE COUNTY/Newton honored for 50 years of active service at the East Pembroke Volunteer Fire Department

The East Pembroke Volunteer Fire Department honored Donald Newton Sr. on Friday night at the 2020 Installation Banquet held at Batavia Downs. Newton was honored for 50 years of dedicated active service at the department. Some of the jobs he has held, Commissioner, Captain, Lieutenant, Fire Chief, Assistant Chief, President, …

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BATAVIA/Det. Sgt. retires from Police Department, citing changes in bail reform and discovery law that take away victim’s rights, handcuffing law enforcement

The recent changes to cash bail and discovery laws in NYS was all the reinforcement that Det. Sgt. Kevin Czora needed to announce his retirement. After 20 years at the Batavia Police Department, Czora will walk away from law enforcement, recharge his batteries for a while, then find something outside …

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